danialBATHS V.3

before after

Last editing before go home..... special thanx to mr. pisang, give me topaz lab installer for my editing learning. This is my 1st editing artwork using topaz lab. Looks like need to sharp my skills and focusing on coloring and also detailing. okie dokie. Next time ok...
danialBATHS V.2
danialBATHS V.1
firmanSHILA v.2

behind da scene

Firstly, syukur Alhamdulillah because are walking out all works that falling behind. In the hustle and bustle freelance as photographer also not forgotten. Now i increasingly win trust to photograph. Hopefully it's as a starting to me to succed. Ok enough for that.
For my next photoshoot is a couple named HASMANI anna NABIHAH. Quit shy for photoshoot but in the end u guy's rock!!.. hahahahahahah. Also not forgotten Mrs Nabilah who is prepared the props and others. All outdoor shooting was taken at Negeri Sembilan area. Nway all the best guys.
SUBz anna SUE

Behind da Scene

This is my last 2 weeks outdoor photoshoot for this 1 luvly couple named Shafri Al Hafiz and Suhada. Although this is "bidan terjun" job.... the result was very really encouraging!!.. Special thanx to my bro as a speedlight slave hahahahahah and my wife as a track gurl... (gadis trek memegang payung kekekekek).
This pitcha was taken at Tanjung Leman JB. It's my 1st time get there. Using my 1000D dslr, i tried to multiply the camera trick. Then for the last step is editing.. I'm really enjoyed edit this pitcha... nway congrats and happy enganged to this couple. Hopefully for their wedding ceremony.... i'll have time to be there couse it's overlap with my courses shcedule...
ACTIONfigure v2

Here it is my 1st attemp action figure photoshot mini studio in my house (kuartes) with my students, abot and naim............ (forgot laaa...). Just sharing with them how to set up mini studio using light box + A3 paper + 2 desk lamps + LED lamp and speedlight. Special thanx to En. Fahmi Mustafa by let us to borrow his action figure for experiment hahahahahah
Ok thats it!
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